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Table 2 Brief description of the curriculum per school

From: Effective curricula for at-risk students in vocational education: a study of teachers’ practice


Short summary of the curriculum

School A

Target group consists of students who have dropped out of school, main aim of the curriculum was to develop students’ social competences and self-confidence in order to motivate them to go to school and enhance engagement. Students were offered sports activities, (peer) coaching and job orientation. If necessary, students also participated in health care or social care institutions

School B

Target group consists of students with study choice problems. Main aim of the curriculum was orientation to the labour market and preparing students for working as employee. Students followed internship with job coaching and were offered sports activities and lessons on employee skills (such as self-discipline, providing feedback, solving conflicts and presenting one-self)

School C

Target group consists of students who lack basic school competences, such as persistence, planning and asking questions. Students were offered sports activities, coaching and the general school tasks in math and language. Main aim of the curriculum was to develop students’ social competences (showing respect, listening to each other, presenting one-self, asking for help) and to motivate them for school

School D

Target group consists of students who have shown risk behaviour during their vocational track (such as conflicts, loneliness, truancy or resistance towards school). Students were offered social skill training (handling feedback, making contact, presenting one self and solving conflicts), sports activities, and (individual) coaching. Main aim of the curriculum was decreasing risk behaviour and enhancing positive feelings such as confidence and engagement with their vocational track