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Table 1 An overview of the DIGCOMP competences and their general description, according to Ferrari (2013)

From: How do the digital competences of students in vocational schools differ from those of students in cooperative higher education institutions in Germany?

Dimensions of competence

General description

Information and data literacy

Identify, locate, retrieve, store, organise and analyse digital information, judging its relevance and purpose

Communication and collaboration

Communicate in digital environments, share resources through online tools, link with others and collaborate through digital tools, interact with and participate in communities and networks, cross-cultural awareness

Digital content-creation

Create and edit new content (from word processing to images and video); integrate and re-elaborate previous knowledge and content; produce creative expressions, media outputs and programming; deal with and apply intellectual property rights and licences


Personal protection, data protection, digital identity protection, security measures, safe and sustainable use

Problem solving

Identify digital needs and resources, make informed decisions on most appropriate digital tools according to the purpose or need, solve conceptual problems through digital means, creatively use technologies, solve technical problems, update own and other’s competence