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Table 13 Items and component loadings in study variables created by principal component analysis

From: How do teachers collaborate in Hungarian VET schools? A quantitative study of forms, perceptions of impact and related individual and organisational factors

Deeper collaboration

(1 = not at all typical; 4 = completely typical)

(total variance explained: 61.4%; KMO: .704 Cronbach α: 0.784)

* Original question was: How typical is it for you to do these activities?


Component loadings

Observe my colleagues' classes to learn from them


Observe my colleagues' classes in order to provide feedback


Engage in joint activities in a class (e.g. co-teaching) or across different classes and age groups (e.g. organizing projects) with my colleagues


Carry out joint research with my colleagues, aimed at improving teaching practice (e.g. analysing the performance of the school, studying a new pedagogical theory or method)



(1 = not at all typical; 4 = completely typical)

(total variance explained: 64.3%; KMO: .673 Cronbach α: 0.713)

* Original question was:  How typical is it for you to do these activities?


Component loadings

Exchange teaching materials with my colleagues


Engage in discussions with my colleagues about the learning development of specific students


Discuss with my colleagues what and how we are learning


Collaboaration perception of impact

(1 = not at all typical; 4 = completely typical)

(total variance explained: 47.4,1%; KMO: .804 Cronbach α: 0.813)

* Original question was:  How much do these activities support your professional development?


Component loadings

Observe my colleagues' classes to learn from them


Observe my colleagues' classes in order to provide feedback


Engage in joint activities in a class (e.g. co-teaching) or across different classes and age groups (e.g. organizing projects) with my colleagues


Exchange teaching materials with my colleagues


Engage in discussions with my colleagues about the learning development of specific students


Carry out joint research with my colleagues, aimed at improving teaching practice (e.g. analysing the performance of the school, studying a new pedagogical theory or method)


Discuss with my colleagues what and how we are learning



(1 = not at all typical; 4 = completely typical)

(proportion of variance explained: 49.9%; KMO: .847 Cronbach α: 0.853)

* Original question was: In your teaching, to what extent can you do the following?


Component loadings

Control disruptive behaviour in the classroom


Motivate students who show low interest in school work


Make my expectations about student behaviour clear


Help students think critically


Get students to follow classroom rules


Calm a student who is disruptive or noisy


Use a variety of assessment strategies


Provide an alternative explanation, for example when students are confused


Collegial relations

(1 = not at all typical; 5 = completely typical)

(proportion of variance explained: 75.8%; KMO: .891 Cronbach α: .0919)

* Original question was: You see below pairs of opposite characteristics. Please assess the climate among the teaching staff in your school along each of these pairs of characteristics by a scale of 1 to 5


Component loadings



less innovative—innovative








School climate

(1 = not at all typical; 5 = completely typical)

(proportion of variance explained: 55.7%; KMO: .885 Cronbach α: 0.864)

* Original question was: To what extent do you agree with the following statements about your school?


Component loadings

School provides staff with opportunities to actively participate in school decisions


In this school there is a collaborative school culture characterised by mutual support. The school staff share a common set of beliefs about teaching and learning


The school staff share a common set of beliefs about teaching and learning


Teachers and students usually get on well with each other


If a student needs additional support, the school provides it


In this school most teachers/trainers strive to continuously develop their knowledge of teaching and learning


There is high level collaboration between the school and local employers


Transformational leadership

(1 = not at all typical; 4 = completely typical)

(proportion of variance explained: 73.3%; KMO: .924 Cronbach α: 0.939)

* Original question was: To what extent do you agree with the following statements about your school?


Component loadings

In this school, teachers can count on getting support and advice from school leaders


School leaders express clear objectives for developing the school and refer explicitly to these during the decision-making process


School leaders show appreciation when a teacher takes the initiative to improve her/his teaching practice or to engage in professional learning activities


School leaders create sufficient opportunities for teachers for their professional development


School leaders encourage teachers to seek and discuss new knowledge relevant to developing the school


School leaders regularly discuss with individual teachers their personal development goals


School leaders support teachers in sharing practice with other schools


Barriers to collaboration

(1 = not at all typical; 4 = completely typical)

(proportion of variance explained: 52.7%; KMO: .768 Cronbach α: 0.7739)

* Original question was: To what extent do you agree with the following statements? A barrier to teacher collaboration in this school is …


Component loadings

The relatively large number of part-time contracted instructors in the school staff


The frequent change of school staff


The different nature of work, time scheduling or challenges of general subject teachers, vocational teachers and trainers


The small number of teachers/trainers teaching the same subject


The superficial working of my subject department that does not support PD
