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Table 6 The balance of the treatment: The probability of being in the treatment group for the pre-reform periods by characteristics of graduates, care facilities, and regions

From: The value of apprentices in the care sector: the effect of apprenticeship costs on the mobility of graduates from apprenticeship training




(a) Individual characteristics







 University entrance qualification



 German citizenship



 Duration of apprenticeship (in days)*100



(b) Characteristics of care facilities

 Number of employees*10

− 0.001


 Share of full-time employees

− 0.001


 Ambulatory nursing service

− 0.020


 Gross median daily pay rate of full-time employees

− 0.001


(c) Regional variables of counties

 Number of school graduates*1000



  First lag

− 0.014


  Second lag



 Number of care-dependent persons per

− 0.0003


 1000 inhabitants above the age of 64


Number of nurses per 100 care-dependent



Persons in inpatient facilities


Number of slots in inpatient facilities per

− 0.003


1000 inhabitants above the age of 64


Unemployment rate

− 0.008


Time dummies




Number of individuals


  1. Stars denote significance of coefficients: \(^*p<10\%\), \(^{**}p<5\%\), \(^{***}p<1\%\); standard errors clustered at the level of federal states are in parentheses.
  2. This table uses pooled OLS and regresses a binary treatment variable on explaining variables for the pre-reform periods. It should be noted that the dependent variable equals one if the graduate resides in one federal state that has not already but will later introduce the levy scheme. The treatment indicator thus equals zero if the graduate resides in one federal state that will never introduce the levy scheme. The table controls for variables summarized in Table 1 and additional regional variables.
  3. Source: Sample of Integrated Labour Market Biographies 1975 -2017 (SIAB 7517v1); Regional Database of the Federal Statistical Office and the Federal Employment Agency