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Table 2 Influences on the attainment of school leaving certificates—results of multinomial logistic regression (average marginal effects—AME)

From: Transitions into vocational education and training by lower and intermediate secondary school leavers. Can male adolescents compensate for their school-based educational disadvantage in comparison with female adolescents?

Influencing factors

Maximum lower secondary school leaving certificate

Intermediate school leaving certificate

Qualification for higher education

Model A

Gender, social background and migration status

Gender (ref.: male)





School-based and vocational education and training of parents (Ref.: Maximum intermediate school leaving certificate, without vocational qualification)

 Maximum lower secondary school leaving certificate, with vocational qualification




 Intermediate school leaving certificate, with vocational qualification




 University (of Applied Sciences) entry qualification with or without vocational qualification




 University (of Applied Sciences) entry qualification




 Missing information




Social status of the father (EGP classification) (Ref.: Higher-grade professionals, managers in large companies (I))

 Lower-grade professionals, managers in small companies (II)




 Routine non-manual employees (III a/b)




 Self employed (IV a/b/c)




 Technicians, skilled workers (V,VI)




 Unskilled and semi skilled workers (VII a/b)




 Never employed, missing information




Migration background (Ref.: without migration background)

 With migration background




Framework conditions in the local region (Federal State)

Percentage with qualification for higher education in % in the year school career is completed




Percentage of school leavers with intermediate certificate  % in the year school career is completed




Percentage of school leavers with lower secondary school leaving certificate  % in the year school career is completed




Nagelkerkes R squared


Sample size


  1. Significance level + p < .1, * p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001 (two-sided test)
  2. Basis Young adults born between 1987 to 1993 whose school career ended no later than the end of 2010 (unweighted results)