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Table 6 Determinants of formal training (Logistic Model)—NSSO 68th round (2011–2012)

From: Vocational training in India: determinants of participation and effect on wages

Independent variable

Odds ratio

Marginal effects (dY/dX)

Place of residence [base-rural]


1.178 (0.0328)***

0.006 (0.001)***


0.995 (0.00157)***

0.000 (0.000)***

Sex [base-female]


1.624 (0.0519)***

0.019 (0.001)***

Marital status [base-never married]

 Ever married

0.817 (0.0301)***

− 0.007 (0.001)***

Educational level [base-not literate]

 Literate without formal education

3.287 (1.528)**

0.007 (0.004)

 Primary and below

4.324 (0.567)***

0.010 (0.001)***

 Secondary and middle

14.84 (1.823)***

0.039 (0.001)***

 Higher secondary and above

27.61 (3.404)***

0.069 (0.001)***

Technical education [base-no technical education]

 With technical education

7.913 (0.271)***

0.145 (0.004)***

Religion [base-Hinduism]


1.038 (0.0438)

0.001 (0.001)


1.239 (0.0684)***

0.008 (0.002)***


1.291 (0.0805)***

0.009 (0.002)***

Social group [base-STs]


1.716 (0.112)***

0.016 (0.002)***


1.876 (0.105)***

0.019 (0.001)***


1.662 (0.0929)***

0.015 (0.001)***

Sector [base-primary]


2.429 (0.120)***

0.024 (0.001)***


2.736 (0.126)***

0.029 (0.001)***


0.000410 (6.31e−05)***

0.042 (0.000)***



  1. Standard errors in parentheses
  2. For column (2), dY/dX for factor levels is the discrete change from the base level
  3. *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.1