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Table 1 Survey questions: influence of economic and social transformations on TVET participation

From: Vision 2030 and reducing the stigma of vocational and technical training among Saudi Arabian students

Scale 1: Influence of economic transformations

 1-The orientation of Vision 2030 in creating new job opportunities has increased my motivation for technical and vocational training.

 2-The economic shifts have increased my awareness of the importance of technical and vocational training.

 3-The new Labor Office laws increasing the incentives for technical and vocational jobs (e.g., setting a minimum wage) have motivated me to pursue technical and vocational training.

 4-Providing financial incentives in the private sector to those who have experience and technical and professional skills has increased my desire to participate.

 5-Increasing opportunities for free post-employment scholarships and grants has increased my desire to enroll.

 6-The National Transition Plan (2020), which includes a wide range of technical and professional jobs, contributed to increasing my desire to join technical and vocational training.

 7-The ease of getting hired after graduation from technical and vocational training has contributed to increasing my desire to enroll.

 8-The government agreement to allow foreign investment within its territory has strengthened the role of the private sector and the demand for technical and vocational training.

 9-I chose technical and vocational training because it helps build special projects with good financial returns.

 10-Strengthening private-sector partnership with technical and vocational training for post-graduate employment increased my desire to enroll in technical and vocational education.

 11-Increasing the number of projects in Saudi Arabia has increased the desire of young people for technical and vocational training.

 12-The state’s shifting emphasis on the diversity of sources of income rather than dependence on oil has increased my motivation to enroll in technical and vocational training.

Scale 2: Influence of social transformations

 1-The involvement of Saudi youth in technical and professional careers has contributed to improving society’s perception of technical and vocational education.

 2-Social networking helped me to recognize the importance of technical and vocational training in achieving Vision 2030.

 3-Having friends working in technical and professional jobs has increased my motivation toward technical and vocational training.

 4-Vision 2030 has helped to change the negative culture toward some technical and professional functions.

 5-Vision 2030 has contributed to parents’ awareness of the importance of technical and vocational training to motivate their children to enroll.

 6- The role of social media in highlighting Saudi talents and inventors in the technical and professional fields contributed to changing my view of technical and vocational training.

 7-The contribution of the state to raising the social status of graduates of technical and vocational colleges and their role in the advancement of society through the media (such as newspapers, television) has stimulated my desire for technical and vocational training.

 8-The presence of private companies offering good financial incentives has strengthened the community’s view of technical and vocational training.

 9-Organizing social seminars and conferences on the importance of professional and technical work has improved negative attitudes toward technical and vocational education.

 10-Secondary school teachers encourage students to enroll in technical and vocational training after graduation.

 11-Supporting women’s participation in technical and vocational work has changed the negative perceptions of technical and vocational training.

 12-The existence of special projects for some graduates of technical and vocational training has improved the negative attitude of society toward technical and vocational training.

 13-The high employment rate of Saudi youth in private sectors has contributed to improving perceptions of technical and vocational training.