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Table 1 Descriptions of independent and control variables

From: Discontinuities in vocational education and training: the influence of early-risk factors and personality constructs on premature training termination and subsequent trajectories


Operationalization and scale information

Time of measurement

Low educational qualification

No or a low school-leaving qualification achieved in general education

At time of leaving general education

Poor GPA

Average grade point average on school-leaving report > 3.0

At time of leaving general education

Graduation after more than the typical number of years

Accomplishment of educational qualification in more than the typical number of years of general education

At time of leaving general education

Participating in a prevocational program before VET

Participation in a prevocational program before beginning VET

At time of transition from school to VET

Migration background

Born abroad or at least one parent is born abroad

Wave 1 (autumn 2010), wave 2 (summer 2011), wave 3 (2011/2012), wave 4 (2012/2013)

Low parental education

No parent achieved an upper secondary school certificate, a VET or a higher educational qualification

If available, information on parental education was used from the parents’ survey, otherwise data from the adolescents’ survey. This information was collected in different waves

Low parental occupational status

The highest parental ISEI-08 score is lower than two-thirds of all parents in the NEPS (ISEI-08 ≤ 32.50)

See above information on parental education

Failure to realize the desired occupation

Match of last known intended training application before beginning VET and realized training occupation

Before beginning VET program

Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Openness

Big Five Inventory with two items per dimension (FI-10; Rammstedt and John 2007), expansion of agreeableness by a third variable

Wave 1 (autumn 2010)


Scale of Schwarzer and Jerusalem (1999)

Wave 5 (2012/2013)

Sex (female)

Females are coded as 1

Different waves

Training in eastern federal states

Beginning of the first VET program in an eastern federal state in Germany (Berlin, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia)

Episode of first VET program

Training in school-based VET system

Beginning of the first VET program in a vocational school (Berufsfachschule, Fachschule or Schule des Gesundheitswesens)

Episode of first VET program

Time spent in first VET program until PTT (in months)

Training duration in first VET program

Episode of first VET program